DMA Senior Show 20/20
Sophie Skilbred
Time Capsules
I am creating a digital archive for LGBT news, history, and voluntary contributions of personal experiences. I want to use the medium, Augmented Reality, as a sort of veil that the user can pull back. This provides the user with a method of seeing the invisible; whether that be a reality someone experiences privately, or a moment in history that deserves remembrance. Constructing this exhibit was a process that started with something very simple- connection. I connected with peers and facilitated “interview” style conversation where the participants were free to discuss whatever they felt like saying about themselves, and the larger LGBT community as a whole. To interact with this piece, download the ZapWorks application from your mobile app store. Launch the app and point your phone at the zapcode. This will launch the project!

Sophie Skilbred
Sophie Skilbred is a Digital Media Arts major at Hamline University, graduating class of 2020. Throughout her time with the DMA program Sophie has created projects of many differing disciplines including graphic design, audio mixing and circuit building. Sophie's interest in audio mixing and circuit building lead her to seek experience in live stage production at a local production company in Minnesota. She now works at the Science Museum of Minnesota as an AV technician and Omnitheater Operator.

DMA Senior Show 20/20