DMA Senior Show 20/20
Jeb Silburn
Cohere is a zine curated to share my experience, and of those around me, to give view of a perspective towards the DIY and independent art scene. Without DIY, there's no root for the greater forms of any art to grow- music, theatre, print, writing, all fine arts scenes have their own DIY movements. The aim of Cohere is to illustrate the importance of these scenes from a personal standpoint, and to talk about how we can support these artists. Issue one of Cohere carries this agency, as well as describing the experiences of DIY artists and influences during the era of streaming and the COVID-19 pandemic. The zine format is a folk art of these movements, it is a comfortable portal to carry this message. Distributing as both a web and physical media based project allows me to take advantage of similar faucets to what I found to be true in my research of streaming and physical music media; That the digital platform allows for infinite distribution and opportunity for connection, and that the physical space of the tangible print form holds its importance as a piece of all art interaction.

Jeb Silburn
Jeb Silburn is a graduating senior at Hamline University, from Minneapolis MN. Jeb is majoring in Digital Media Art with a Graphic Design focus.

DMA Senior Show 20/20